32.9 miles, 1,100′ vertical, 7:30 moving


I will write more detail, but with the choice between talking to people and writing, I’ve been choosing talking. Again, another short post.

Today was more of the same terrain, but still beautiful. The cool weather has been great for hiking and running.


Today was flat again. I forced myself to walk the first 5 miles to warm up. Then I ran for ~20 miles. It felt great! I walked the end as I met up with two guys, and then four, and talked. No foot, leg, shin issues. Let’s hope it holds out.

Common Home

There are windmills everywhere in the land surrounding the Camino. You also see solar on houses and in larger arrays. It’s so great to see.

4 thoughts to “Camino Day 9: Carrión de los Conde to Calzadilla de los Hermanillos

  • Sr. Marcella Pattish

    I admire you for your efforts. I’ve dreamed for the past twenty years or more of doing at least part if not all of the camino. Now at 80, and recovering from a terrible fall, I think I just need to pray for those like you who are still able to do the walk. or run as the case ay be. Good luck and may your experience be a great prayerful pilgrimage through your eyes and heart.

  • Jim Rynne

    Glad to hear that the leg and foot issues are subsiding. Enjoying your blog. Keep it up — both the running and the writing.


  • Dave S.

    Go Jeff go!

  • Heather

    Hi Jeff, what a blog! I just got caught up on your journey to this point. Have you considered posting a daily link to Facebook? Or asked Catholic Climate Covenant or other sponsors to send a daily email? I’ve shared your story with a number of friends but a daily alert might get you more news coverage. And just out of curiosity, how many calories do you generally need to consume to run 30 miles a day? And are you hearing God speak to you on your runs? Buen Camino…you inspire us all!

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